Culinary students deliver at the King Cole Amazing Duck Race

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Category: Student Profiles

Culinary students deliver at the King Cole Amazing Duck Race

Congratulations to Fleming College students Braden Lawther and Kylie Piney, who earned 3rd Place this weekend in the King Cole Amazing Duck Race! The farm-to-fork recipe competition for culinary students was hosted on Saturday, April 1 by King Cole Ducks Limited. The event began bright and early with students collecting eggs, showcasing knife skills in… Continue reading Culinary students deliver at the King Cole Amazing Duck Race

Help with the home; Students create low-cost robot vacuum

As believers in open source development, Fleming students Aaron Junkin, Joe Kennedy, and Devon Silhanek intend to upload their designs and plans they used to create and build a low cost robotic vacuum. “We took it upon ourselves to adjust the parameters of the project and make it a low cost robot vacuum compared to… Continue reading Help with the home; Students create low-cost robot vacuum

Computer Engineering Technology students create real life magic mirror

Forget the fairy tale – two Fleming Computer Engineering Technology students are creating a real life magic mirror that can provide news and information and even answer basic questions. The team of Aaden Storms-Bedard and Jackson Hamilton have spent their sixth and final semester working on the applied project. The Applied Projects course, offered within… Continue reading Computer Engineering Technology students create real life magic mirror

Reginald Eddy makes history as first diploma student to win Prince of Wales Forest Leadership Award

Reginald Eddy, Urban Forestry Technician (UFT) student, has been selected for the Prince of Wales Forest Leadership Award! Reginald is one of four winners – two from Canada, two from the United Kingdom – chosen by the Canadian Institute of Forestry for an international forestry student exchange program this summer. This award is offered to… Continue reading Reginald Eddy makes history as first diploma student to win Prince of Wales Forest Leadership Award

Earth Resources Technician student gets golden opportunity at Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop

Garrett Hooey, second-year Earth Resources Technician student, has earned himself a spot in the hotly contested Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW). The workshop, which is hosted by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada, is an all-expense paid trip to Sudbury to learn about careers in the mineral exploration and mining industries. Twenty-six of the… Continue reading Earth Resources Technician student gets golden opportunity at Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop

Practical Nursing student prepares to take the plunge

Rachel Warren does not like the cold. The fourth-semester Practical Nursing student is known to wear a sweater on a hot summer night, which is why it surprised Rachel’s friends and family when she signed up for the 25th Annual Polar Plunge in Campbellford, Ont. The Polar Plunge is Saturday, Jan. 28, and is hosted… Continue reading Practical Nursing student prepares to take the plunge

Rebecca Morris leaves the Biotechnology lab at Fleming to swim with sharks in South Africa

It is a challenge for Rebecca Morris to choose her most memorable day on placement. She’s seen a great white shark, which “was both terrifying and exciting”; she’s watched wild whales and dolphins on the Cetacean Project, caught a pyjama shark for a genetic sampling, and swam with sharks to clean a tank at the… Continue reading Rebecca Morris leaves the Biotechnology lab at Fleming to swim with sharks in South Africa

Biotechnology student Sarina Barnes travels to Vancouver for program internship

Sarina Barnes decided to leave the comfort of her friends, family and Fleming College community to integrate theory and practice in a Biotechnology internship. Sarina was selected to complete her program internship at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Biotechnology – Advanced program internship in Semester 5 is designed to… Continue reading Biotechnology student Sarina Barnes travels to Vancouver for program internship

Biotechnology brings Bhavita Patel to the Mona Campbell Centre for Animal Cancer

Careers in the biotechnology field are diverse, from working in biological research to quality assurance, medical or health-related fields, to tracking down criminals or identifying victims of crime. For Bhavita Patel, biotechnology led her to help companion animals with cancer. Bhavita, who will graduate from Fleming’s Biotechnology – Advanced program in 2017, completed her internship… Continue reading Biotechnology brings Bhavita Patel to the Mona Campbell Centre for Animal Cancer
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