Registration and Student Information

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Registration and Student Information

Registration for Continuing Education

Register Online

Select your course, certificate or specialization. Add to cart and follow checkout process

Register By Phone

Select your course, certificate or specialization and call: 1-888-269-6929 ext. 1502

Register In Person

Select your course, certificate or specialization. Then visit any Fleming College campus to register.

Please note:For most courses, a student must be 19 years of age or have an OSSD. Some courses and certificate programs include additional requirements which are listed in the course or certificate description.

Books and Learning Materials

You may need textbooks or learning materials for your course. Materials required for the first day of class will either be emailed to you or can be found in the course description. For materials visit the online Peterborough Bookstore or Lindsay Bookstore. Shipping is free to Fleming's Sutherland Campus bookstore in Peterborough or Frost Campus bookstore in Lindsay, or home delivery is available for a fee.

Contact the Fleming Bookstore directly at 1-866-353-6464 ext. 1654.

Prior Learning Assessment And Recognition

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is based on the premise that many adults acquire skills and knowledge through work experience; community, home and volunteer activities; training programs; non-college and independent study and travel and leisure activities. The PLAR system evaluates this learning and relates it to formal courses and programs at educational institutions. Using PLAR, adult candidates who can demonstrate or document that they have achieved the learning outcomes of a given course, may be given formal college credit. It may save you time and money to examine whether or not you would qualify for such credit. For further information, contact the Registrar' Office at 705-749-5530.

Have You Moved?

Please make sure to notify the Registrar's Office when you change your mailing address. Returned mail will be retained for two months, after which time the information will be destroyed. There will be a charge for re-issuing documents. Also note that the college cannot be responsible for information lost in the mail.

Course Cancellation, Withdrawal and Refund Policy

To withdraw from a course, a completed and signed Withdrawal Form must be submitted to Continuing Education. Visit our Continuing Education Withdrawal Guidelines page for more information on how apply for a withdrawal and refund.

Student Portal - Grades, Tax Receipts and Address Verification

If you are completing a certificate program, we will mail your final transcript and certificate upon completion.

You will find important notifications and information by logging into Fleming College's Student Portal.

New User?

To log into the Student Portal:

  1. Go to and click “Get started”
  2. Enter your student number (found on payment receipt or other official Fleming College communication) and your date of birth.
    For login help visit the TDX Service Portal.
  3. Once you have logged in, select “My Student Centre” from the left sidebar. From here you can access:
    • Grades
      These will be available approximately four weeks after the course has ended. Please allow for additional time during the December holidays.
    • Tax receipts
    • Mailing Address on record
      You can verify and edit your mailing address on record. Please ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date, as mail from the college will be sent to this address.
    • Unofficial Transcript
      Download a record of all courses taken at Fleming showing course titles, dates and final grades*.
      *An official transcript will be mailed only to students who have completed a program of studies, rather than individual courses, but you can request an official transcript any time by contacting our Records Office.

Course Materials

Some courses require additional textbooks and/or materials. Please visit your campus store in-person or online:

Contact Us

Continuing Education & Corporate Training Office

705-749-5530 ext. 1502

Course Cart