Fleming College

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Career Services

Providing employment support and employer connections for professional career success.

Our career and employment experts are dedicated to helping students and recent graduates navigate their work and professional journeys. We offer support and resources to develop your career plan, find valuable work and volunteer opportunities and prepare you for long-term career success.

We also offer employers a pathway to hiring skilled Fleming students and graduates.

Our services include:

Job Search Support

  • Access our job boards and virtual bulletin board
  • Assistance with resume and cover letter writing
  • Interview preparation
  • Recruiting events and job fairs
  • 1-1 appointments with a Career Educator

Career Preparation

  • Career exploration
  • Career planning
  • Career advising
  • Labour market information

Education and Skill Development

  • In-person and online workshops and seminars
  • Employer and industry presentations
  • Employer and industry networking opportunities

Employer Services

  • Recruitment support
  • On-campus interview space
  • Access to a talent pool of skilled students and graduates
  • Job posting on our job board
  • Share events on our virtual bulletin board

Visit our Career Services website to access employment support and resources today!

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