Centre for Applied Machine Intelligence and Integration Technologies (CAMIIT)

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Centre for Applied Machine Intelligence and Integration Technologies (CAMIIT)

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The Centre for Applied Machine Intelligence and Integration Technologies (CAMIIT) is an applied research centre located at Fleming College’s Sutherland Campus in Peterborough, Ont. Established in 2020, CAMIIT offers multipurpose research capabilities and is designed to meet the needs of industry-focused and academic research and development projects.

CAMIIT is equipped with an array of tools and equipment for prototyping:

  • 3D printing
  • Electronics development
  • Firmware development
  • Machine learning developments
  • Tests and validations
  • Electronics fabrication
  • Measuring and analysing
  • Robotics
  • Industrial controller systems.

As part of Fleming College, CAMIIT supports student learning with high-quality training through hands-on experience and applied research and innovation activities on campus.

Our dedicated team comprises a core of accomplished scientists, faculty researchers, engineers, and technologists, bolstered by a network of associates from diverse academic, industrial, and private sectors. Together, we are driven by a commitment to excellence, delivering top-notch quality service, and empowering our partners to transform their innovative concepts into a competitive edge for a smarter, more sustainable future.

With state-of-the-art facilities boasting cutting-edge technology and supported by a team of experienced, knowledgeable researchers, we stand ready to assist in a variety of applied research activities and initiatives, encompassing:

  • Engineering Consultation CAMIIT experts can provide technical consultations to the public and private sector within a variety of engineering disciplines as well as the latest market trends. Our research team has expertise in mechanical design, electronic hardware development, firmware development, wireless communication, rapid prototyping and industrial control.
  • Product Development CAMIIT researchers can develop new products and improve existing products related to the Internet of Things and Mechatronics applications. Our researchers can assist our industrial partners with their product development needs at any technology-readiness level. We develop concept design to manufacture market ready products.
  • Feasibility Analysis Our experienced researchers can evaluate the feasibility of your technological ideas and provide solutions to bring those ideas to life.
  • Prototyping Bring your own ideas from mind to hands using CAMIIT’s state-of- the-art equipment for prototyping mechanical and electronic systems. CAMIIT can 3D print more than 150 different materials including plastics, metals, resins, and fibers. Also, CAMIIT can prototype printed circuit boards (PBCs).
  • Testing and Validation We can test and validate electrical, mechatronics and IoT products and technologies according to industry- standard procedures. Our labs are equipped with a variety of measuring and analysis equipment, environmental chambers and RD/EMI shielded enclosures.

# Project Title Partner Year
1 Completion of Molok SMART system and integration of load cell Molok North America 2023
2 Development of the data acquisition module for a 3D printer health monitoring system AI-innovate 2023
3 Developing an interface application for an AMR fleet management system Siemens 2023
4 Machine Vision Sensor Module Development and Testing for Autonomous Robotics in Commercial Aquaculture Operations Independent Robotic 2023
5 Development of Surface Defects Detection for Paper Products AI-innovate 2023
6 Design and implementation of paper stock moisture control unit Peterboro Matboard 2023
7 Development of a Customer Service Solution Based on Artificial Intelligence Prestige Electrique 2023
8 Design and Development of Footfall Analysis Algorithm Press & Express 2023
9 Video compression improvement methods using shade information AMD 2022
10 Design, Simulation and Testing of Novel Wing-Integrated Electrical Vertical Take-off and Landing (eVTOL) System Horizon Aircraft 2022-2025
11 Prototyping Euglena production machine for CSA/NASA Deep Space Food Challenge Nobelgen 2022
12 Design and manufacturing of a conveyor system for surface inspection in the continuous production lines AI-innovate 2022
13 Enhancement of Molok’s Access Control Unit and Waste Analytic Platform Molok North America 2022
14 Wireless Bottle Recognition System for Smart Wine Rack Cellar Gnius 2022 - 2023
15 Low-Cost IIoT Environmental Sensor nodes for Agriculture Ecoation 2021
16 Wireless Sensor Node for Building Energy Audit and Efficiency Testing ioAirflow 2021
17 Sensor And Communication Technologies for IIoT Applications FPrimeC 2021
18 LPWAN Network Performance Analyzer and Visualization Behr Technologies Inc 2021
19 LiDAR Wireless Node for Monitoring Ground Movement BGC Engineering 2021
20 Access Control Unit for Molok Bins Molok North America 2021
21 Molok Waste Analytics Platform Molok North America 2021
22 Wireless CNC Tool Tracking System for a Smart Factory Belair Mechatronics 2020
23 Development Of Plastic Free Dispenser Components Using Home C0mpostible Materials Etee 2020
24 Design And Production of Specialty Aircraft Parts Using Advanced Manufacturing Horizon Aircraft 2020
25 Intelligent System for Collecting Oil Spills Revive Path 2019

Research published by CAMIIT's scientists:

  • Molazadeh, S., Diba, F. & Hosseini, A. (2023) Anisotropic modeling of material behavior for additively manufactured parts made by material extrusion. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 129, 3453–3473.
  • Sanderson, B., Diba, F., Kishawy, H. & Hosseini, A. (2023). Finite element analysis of additive manufacturing of polymers using selective laser sintering. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 129, 1631–1647.
  • DeBoer, B., Nguyen, N., Diba, F., & Hosseini, A. (2021). Additive, subtractive, and formative manufacturing of metal components: a life cycle assessment comparison. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 115(1-2), 413-432.
  • DeBoer, B., Diba, F., & Hosseini, A. Design and Development of a Cost Calculator for Additive Manufacturing. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2021, June 27-30, 2021, Charlottetown, PE, Canada

e: camiit@flemincollege.ca
Address: Fleming College, 599 Brealey Dr. Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1

Fereydoon Diba, Ph.D. P.Eng. PMP.
Lead Research Scientist; CAMIIT Fleming College
t: 705 749-5530 x1461
e: fereydoon.diba@flemingcollege.ca


Contact us to get started. We’ll set up a consultation meeting and create your custom project plan.

No. Our research team can carry out testing, demonstrations, monitoring, and other projects off-site. We work with partners from across Ontario and Canada – contact us and we can make your project work.

Fees vary depending on project type and length. Contact us for more information.

We have several programs in place to help reduce project costs. Funding options can be explored during the initial consultation. Contact us to learn more about our funders as well as funding opportunities.

For most projects, the industry partner remains the sole owner of IP. Intellectual property allocation is discussed during the initial consultation and agreed upon before the project begins.

The Centre has a core staff of scientists and technicians. Our project managers and scientists will lead the project from start to finish. Occasionally students will assist with our research team. (Student participation may be required for certain types of funding.) All researchers sign non-disclosure agreements.

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