The Board of Governors of Sir Sandford Fleming College acts as the governing body of the College. The Board is composed of 17 voting Governors: The President; 12 External Members (including four External Members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor and eight External Members appointed by the Board); and four Internal Members (one Academic Staff member; one Administrative Staff member; one Support Staff member; and one Student).
Effective September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025
Linda Poirier | Acting President, Fleming College
Maureen Adamson | President, Fleming College (on leave)
Don Gillespie | Board Chair; and Chair, Executive Committee
Doris Stamml | Board Vice Chair; and Chair, Governance Committee
Karen Jensen | Chair, Finance and Audit Committee
Sudha Datta | Chair, ESG Committee
Cory Bryan | Governor
Fred Clifford | Governor (Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointed)
Kerri Davies | Governor
Tim Kennaley | Governor (Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointed)
Graeme McKay | Governor (Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointed)
Michael Nasello | Governor
Vacant | Governor
Vacant | Governor (Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointed)
Marc Patenaude | Administrative Governor
Todd Hataley | Academic Governor
Laura Coles | Support Staff Governor
Nishant Prashant Desai | Student Governor
Members of the public are welcome to attend public Board of Governors meetings as observers. Please be advised seating is limited and observers need to make arrangements in advance with the Office of the President. Observers may not address the Board or participate in the meeting. Please contact if you would like to attend a public Board meeting as an observer.
Agenda packages for the public Board Meeting are posted approximately five calendar days in advance of the meeting. Meeting minutes are approved at the next scheduled Board meeting and subsequently posted.
Please visit the Board of Governors page for more information.
Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, contact information of the individual governor has been gathered for purposes of the Board; it is considered confidential and will not be released. Those wishing to communicate with the Board are invited to do so through:
The Office of the President
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