Accessible Education Services

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Accessible Education Services

We understand that as a college student with a disability you have unique needs, strengths and goals. We strive to improve the accessibility of the college environment for all disabled students to have a positive and equitable learning experience.

Our Accessible Education Services team works to provide students with disabilities the academic accommodations they need to level the playing field, eliminate barriers, and acquire the services necessary to develop skills, strategies, and resources that maximize their college experience.

Our services are free, confidential, and voluntary. They are deeply rooted in our commitment to respect your dignity, integrity, and your right to make independent choices regarding the services you opt to use for yourself.

New to Accessible Education Services? Click here.

Already registered? Click here.

First at Fleming


Attention incoming students! Join us for First at Fleming, a captivating two-day event that showcases the range of accommodations and services available to support your transition into the postsecondary environment. Hosted by Accessible Education Services, this comprehensive transition program is tailored specifically for students with disabilities. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Get ready to embark on a fulfilling and successful college experience with the support of Accessible Education Services at Fleming College. Please note that registration with Accessible Education Services is not required to attend this event - everyone is welcome. Visit our department website for more details.

Important: It is your responsibility to make your disability known as soon as you accept an offer of admission. Early identification ensures that we can provide appropriate academic accommodations in a timely manner.

Student Testimonials


One thing in common with all of us on the spectrum is that we want to meet new people and make friends.

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