Student Government

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Weather Update:

In-person classes will continue as scheduled at all campuses and locations. Campuses will remain open as usual on Thursday, February 13.

Please check back as we will continue to monitor the weather and share updates on Facebook, X, Instagram, and Please use extra caution when travelling to and from campus.

Updated: 2025-02-13 12:37:11

Student Government

Get Connected. Get Involved.

The student community at Fleming College is vibrant and inclusive. Student-run initiatives and clubs on campus range from athletics and recreation to politics and policy.

Student Government

The Student Administrative organizations (SAC in Peterborough and SA in Lindsay) represent students on campus and co-ordinate a variety of student activities from Orientation to pub nights and trips.

The payment of your student fee entitles you to a share in the student run corporation and allows you to elect or run for the Board of Directors. This fee is used throughout the year for various activities. Board members serve on various college committees and have input into the policy decisions of the College. Through publications, the portal and bulletin boards, SAC and SA keep students informed about student, campus and college developments.

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