Fleming College

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Office of Applied Research and Innovation

Fleming College's Office of Applied Research and Innovation is your gateway to college applied research and development expertise. The department offers guidance and support to Fleming faculty who are interested in doing research. It also provides applied research and business development services to business, industry, and community organizations in fields related to our academic programs.

The Office of Applied Research and Innovation supports all applied research at Fleming, including at our three dedicated research centres:

Centre for Advancement in Mechatronics and Industrial Internet of Things (CAMIIT)

Centre for Advancement of Water and Wastewater Technologies (CAWT)

Centre for Innovative Aquaculture Production (CIAP)

Applied Research Strategic Plan 2024-2029

We have developed an evidence-based Applied Research Strategic Plan to chart the path forward for Fleming’s applied research enterprise. The Strategic Plan will inspire faculty, staff and students, mobilize community support and set the stage for our growth as a recognized leader in Canadian applied research. To view Fleming’s Applied Research Strategic Plan, please click here: Applied Research Strategic Plan.

Major Objectives

  • Support local business, industry and institutions in their efforts to innovate, and improve their products and processes through applied research activities.
  • Enhance student education and research skills through applied research opportunities.
  • Utilize faculty expertise and promote the professional development of college faculty and employees through research opportunities.

Industry Partners

Connect with our research staff and facilities. We will assess your needs and collaborate with you to determine the best research route for you.

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If you are a Fleming faculty member interested in conducting research, the Office of Applied Research and Innovation is the single point of contact to help you get started.

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As a student enrolled at Fleming College, you have the opportunity to work with industry partners and expert staff as you gain real-world experience in your field of study.

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