Accessible Education Services at Fleming College - Already Registered

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Accessible Education Services at Fleming College - Already Registered

Welcome back!

Our Accessible Education team at Fleming College is excited to collaborate with you throughout this semester. Your accessibility counsellor will be there to assist you in various ways, including discussing your accommodation supports or services and making any necessary additions or changes as determined by both of you. They will also help you renew your accommodations if they have expired and work with you to set up accommodations for placement experiences. Furthermore, your counsellor is available to provide disability counselling support, which includes understanding how your disability affects your academic and personal life, empowering you to assertively communicate about your disability, and engaging in discussions about disability identity and the disability justice movement. If any of these are topics of concern to you, please book an appointment with your accessibility counsellor today.

If you are a student registered with Accessible Education Services (AES), you can access some of our online services such as:

Booking an accommodated test/exam is easy using the online Accommodated Testing Booking Wizard. If you’re ready to schedule your test you can Log in to the AES Test Booking System and start now. Please Note: Test Booking Requests must be completed online at least 1 week (7 calendar days) prior to the scheduled test/exam.

Your academic accommodations and services are individualized to your specific needs and the program requirements. If, at any point, you feel like the accommodations we have set up for you are not working for you, or if you feel something is missing, please book an appointment with your accessibility counsellor to find a solution. If you would like to view your Letter of Accommodation to see what your accommodations are, you can view it on the Accessible Education Online Services webpage.

Contact the Counselling & Accessible Education Services Receptionist to book an appointment with your accessibility counsellor to keep your academic accommodation plan up to date for Fleming College. To book an appointment:

Sutherland, Cobourg

Continuing Education & Online Students

Jennifer Langenberg

Call: 705-749-5530 ext 1527


Frost & Haliburton Students

Krista Silver

Call: 705-324-9144 ext 3232
Toll-free: 1-866-353-6464, ext 1527 or ext 3232


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