Board of Governors - Position Profile

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Board of Governors - Position Profile

Join the board of governors

Fleming College’s Strategic Direction

In 2019, Fleming College launched a bold five-year strategic plan that has reinvented our College for our students and our communities. Fleming is an exceptional community College, offering ambitious and innovative new programming while focusing on the student experience. Through partnerships and collaboration, Fleming is shaping education that is accessible to everyone and we are making significant progress in the post-secondary education sector.

Our Vision | Creating prosperity and transforming communities through education and innovation.

Our Mission | To empower our students with the innovative education, research and real-world experiences they need to build better lives, better communities and a better world.

Our Values | We will achieve our vision and mission by adhering to our values, which are to be:

  • Responsive
  • Innovative
  • Collaborative
  • Inclusive
  • Accountable

Our Shared Commitments | Fleming College has five key commitments which will help us fulfill our vision and execute our mission:

Commitment #1 - We will be focused on the needs of students and employers in the labour market.

Commitment #2 - We will be true partners in our communities.

Commitment #3 - We will empower our staff and faculty.

Commitment #4 - We will embrace technology and digitization.

Commitment #5 - We will be a welcoming place for all.

Fleming College’s Board of Governors Overview

Fleming College’s Board of Governors | Fleming College’s Board of Governors provides oversight to the development of strategy, the stewardship of resources, and ensures accountability to the public. Collectively, Governors bring their diverse backgrounds together to consider opportunities and risks from multiple perspectives and professional disciplines, supporting effective decision-making and risk management.

The Structure of the Board of Governors | Fleming College’s Board of Governors exercise fiduciary duty and provide leadership to the organization by contributing to, and approving, its strategic direction, stewarding resources, and ensuring transparency and accountability. The Board is comprised of a maximum of 17 voting Governors (12 external and 5 internal) and has committees such as the Executive Committee, the Finance and Audit Committee and the Governance Committee. A maximum of 4 Governors are Provincial Order in Council positions.

The Role of a Fleming College Governor

The Role of the Governor | A Governor serves a term not to exceed three years and is eligible for re-appointment, not to exceed six years in total. Capable and dependable, Governors are expected to commit the time and have the experience required to perform both Board and Committee duties. The time commitment includes a minimum of 6 Board meetings annually, orientation, strategic retreat day(s), and occasional ad-hoc meetings as required. In addition, Governors participate on up to two committees. All Governors are expected to maintain awareness of major developments related to Fleming College, provincial education, and the community setting in which Fleming operates. Governors are also encouraged to support Fleming’s fundraising and other activities and events.

Serving in a strategic leadership and governance capacity, Governors meaningfully contribute to and support the strategy and long-term strategic mission, vision, values and beliefs of the organization, collaborating closely with Fleming’s President. They serve as passionate ambassadors for Fleming and with the President uphold the values, policies and procedures of the College. Externally, Governors support all Board decisions providing a united face of leadership on behalf of Fleming. They participate in events and find opportunities to constantly raise the profile of Fleming. Governors share their personal expertise, experience and network to help maximize their positive influence on the organization.

Desirable Experience and Competencies

Governor’s Desirable Experience and Competencies | The ideal Fleming College Governor demonstrates a genuine affinity for and commitment to transforming post-secondary education within our community, province and beyond. Understanding and respecting the distinct roles of the Board and management, future Governors will bring experience in executive-level strategic planning and Board service in the private, public and/or not-for-profit sectors. Governors who have played a significant role in reframing the strategic direction of an organization during a transformational period are of particular interest to Fleming. Prior Chairperson/Vice Chair and Finance/Audit Committee experience is valuable to future Board succession planning.

Future Governors will bring significant functional expertise in areas such as legal, accounting, human resources, communications, risk / crisis management, regulatory entities, public policy, research, and technology / big data analytics. Future Governors will come from a variety of sectors including private, government, education, professional services, and the not-for-profit. Board governance education and / or credentials such as ICD.D is an asset.

Bringing high credibility and the resolve to calmly deliberate on significant issues in a complex system, future Governors will have the time to commit to the work at the Board and Committee level. In addition, they have the willingness and ability to leverage existing professional networks, “opening doors” for Fleming. Future Fleming Governors are ethical and credible, politically savvy without being political, able to quickly build trust with a wide range of stakeholders, and consistently demonstrate a communication style that is inclusive, engaging, authentic and candid. They are positive influencers who present opinions and effectively frame issues in a respectful, diplomatic and collegial way.

Future Governors are adept at recognizing and navigating both opportunities and risks for Fleming. Transformative and innovative, they have the strength and courage to ask difficult questions and challenge the popular view, the creativity to generate breakthrough thinking, and the confidence to make key decisions in the best interest of all stakeholders. Experienced in introducing new services, programs and technologies, Governors offer expertise to help steer change during a period of transformation.

Exhibiting exceptional judgement, they are sensitive to legal and reputational risks that may impact the College. Future Governor of Fleming College are:

Open - You can’t build trust without openness and transparency. Thinking openly and without bias, being clear about what we do and why we do it – and answering any questions that arise honestly and respectfully.

Bold - Daring goals don’t scare us – they drive us. We’re not afraid to defy conventions or perceptions of what we and our community can do or be. We go beyond what’s expected and what’s been done to blaze trails in new and different directions that other post-secondary institutions will want to follow.

Determined - Our student, employees and our community know how to overcome difficulties – and we don’t stop at the first sign of trouble. Roadblocks, obstacles and indifference only drive us to work harder to create a better tomorrow.

Respectful - Our compassion comes from empathy – our willingness and ability to put ourselves in another’s situation. It’s recognizing and respecting peoples’ differences and being cognizant that what we consider commonplace may not be the same for others of different cultures and backgrounds.

How to Apply

If you are interested in further exploring this dynamic Fleming College Board of Governors opportunity, please provide:

to the attention of Fleming College’s Board of Governors, Governance Committee c/o Trish Matthews directly at by Friday May 5, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. Your cover letter should highlight your relevant experience, connecting the dots between your background and the key competencies outlined in this Position Profile and express why serving as a Governor for Fleming College resonates with you.

We look forward to exploring your candidacy and appreciate your interest and consideration to serve Fleming College and its students and communities.

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