Matthew Brohm’s culinary career is his passion, not a ‘job’

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Matthew Brohm’s culinary career is his passion, not a ‘job’

Food means more than nourishment to Matthew Brohm. For the Chef Training graduate, food is his passion. “I love making food that makes you melt inside, I want to make food that makes you chew just a little slower, I want it to make you think ‘wow’ and practically be speechless,” he said. “My job… Continue reading Matthew Brohm’s culinary career is his passion, not a ‘job’

Culinary students deliver at the King Cole Amazing Duck Race

Congratulations to Fleming College students Braden Lawther and Kylie Piney, who earned 3rd Place this weekend in the King Cole Amazing Duck Race! The farm-to-fork recipe competition for culinary students was hosted on Saturday, April 1 by King Cole Ducks Limited. The event began bright and early with students collecting eggs, showcasing knife skills in… Continue reading Culinary students deliver at the King Cole Amazing Duck Race
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