Help with the home; Students create low-cost robot vacuum

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Help with the home; Students create low-cost robot vacuum

As believers in open source development, Fleming students Aaron Junkin, Joe Kennedy, and Devon Silhanek intend to upload their designs and plans they used to create and build a low cost robotic vacuum. “We took it upon ourselves to adjust the parameters of the project and make it a low cost robot vacuum compared to… Continue reading Help with the home; Students create low-cost robot vacuum

Computer Engineering Technology students create real life magic mirror

Forget the fairy tale – two Fleming Computer Engineering Technology students are creating a real life magic mirror that can provide news and information and even answer basic questions. The team of Aaden Storms-Bedard and Jackson Hamilton have spent their sixth and final semester working on the applied project. The Applied Projects course, offered within… Continue reading Computer Engineering Technology students create real life magic mirror
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