Fleming Forestry Technician graduate receives Skills Award for Indigenous Youth

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Tag: School of Environmental & Natural Resource Sciences

Fleming Forestry Technician graduate receives Skills Award for Indigenous Youth

Congratulations to Forestry Technician graduate Hunter Corbiere, who received a Skills Award for Indigenous Youth from the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) in partnership with the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM). This award recognizes individuals with a strong academic standing who demonstrate a commitment to sustainable forest management and forest products sector and… Continue reading Fleming Forestry Technician graduate receives Skills Award for Indigenous Youth

Ecosystem Management graduate stands up against plastic pollution

Rochelle Byrne, Fleming Ecosystem Management Technology graduate (Class of 2012), is proud to stand up for what she believes in. To raise awareness of plastic pollution, Rochelle stand-up paddleboarded 430km across Lake Ontario. “I wanted to do this stand-up paddle to raise awareness of plastic pollution because, after doing hundreds of litter clean-ups along the… Continue reading Ecosystem Management graduate stands up against plastic pollution

From diploma to PhD, Kelly McLean shares her Fleming education pathways experience

A passion for research and asking questions is what drove Kelly McLean on her education journey, earning diplomas, a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and now working towards a PhD. But achieving this level of education was not what Kelly had in mind when she started her post-secondary studies at Fleming College. “I had never planned… Continue reading From diploma to PhD, Kelly McLean shares her Fleming education pathways experience

Fleming Environmental Technology graduate Joseph Gentile performs essential environmental services for City of Toronto

Joseph Gentile is putting his Environmental Technology skills to use by delivering essential environmental services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. As one of six summer student technicians in the Environmental Monitoring & Protection Unit of Toronto Water, Joseph is responsible for environmental water quality monitoring of surface waters in the City of Toronto. “I think seeing… Continue reading Fleming Environmental Technology graduate Joseph Gentile performs essential environmental services for City of Toronto

Fleming GIS graduate Matt Pietryszyn launches COVID-19 Alerts System to share data with the public

When the shift to essential services began in Canada, Qwhery founder Matt Pietryszyn noticed the struggle many people faced with finding localized COVID-19-related information. The Fleming College graduate decided to put his Geographic Information Systems (GIS) skills to use and launched a platform to help keep the public informed. “While working on another project (ProjectPandemic), I met Sabrina Tang,… Continue reading Fleming GIS graduate Matt Pietryszyn launches COVID-19 Alerts System to share data with the public

Kim Magee makes a difference as Front Porch Project photographer

As Kim Magee approaches homes in Lindsay, Ont., individuals, couples, families and sometimes even pets emerge from their front doors with a bright smile to greet her. Kim is a Front Porch Project photographer, snapping family portraits from a distance in exchange of a donation. The Fleming College graduate has raised $2,775 in the past… Continue reading Kim Magee makes a difference as Front Porch Project photographer

Ecosystem Management is an international adventure for Celeste Thompson

Celeste Thompson’s Fleming College experience has been an international adventure. From field work in Lindsay, Ont., to conservation initiatives in Costa Rica and a conference in Washington, D.C., Celeste is busy building her resume while making memories to last a lifetime. “My experience at Fleming so far has been more than I could have dreamed,”… Continue reading Ecosystem Management is an international adventure for Celeste Thompson

Fleming graduate explores coastal habitats aboard Leeway Odyssey science vessel

Ecosystem Management graduate Paul McCarney had an adventurous August on the Leeway Odyssey science vessel with Oceana Canada and the Nunatsiavut Government. Paul, who is the Research Manager at the Nunatsiavut Government, went on a 10-day expedition to explore the coastal habitats of Nunatsiavut in Northern Labrador. “This is an area that is important to… Continue reading Fleming graduate explores coastal habitats aboard Leeway Odyssey science vessel

Fleming student Mitchell Maracle named one of Canada’s top geoscience students

Earth Resources Technician Co-op student Mitchell Maracle isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty, which is why the second-year student is excited to participate in the Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop this May. Each year, 26 of the top geoscience students from post-secondary institutions across Canada are nominated to attend this intense two-week workshop in Sudbury,… Continue reading Fleming student Mitchell Maracle named one of Canada’s top geoscience students

Meet Social Media Ambassador Hilary Wright

Hilary Wright grew up with a passion for animals and nature, which is why it’s so important to her that future generations get this same opportunity. “With our current climate crisis, I wanted to do my part to ensure future generations will be able to enjoy the wildlife we’ve all had the chance to enjoy,”… Continue reading Meet Social Media Ambassador Hilary Wright
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