Fleming student Mitchell Maracle named one of Canada’s top geoscience students

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Fleming student Mitchell Maracle named one of Canada’s top geoscience students

Earth Resources Technician Co-op student Mitchell Maracle isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty, which is why the second-year student is excited to participate in the Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop this May. Each year, 26 of the top geoscience students from post-secondary institutions across Canada are nominated to attend this intense two-week workshop in Sudbury,… Continue reading Fleming student Mitchell Maracle named one of Canada’s top geoscience students

Michael Tamosauskas builds a ‘golden’ resume in the geological field

A thick fog quickly rolls in while Michael Tamosauskas collects glacial till samples atop a mountain in Nunavut. With his nearest colleague at least 100 metres away, Michael’s radio alerts him that an emergency helicopter pick-up is on its way before the pilot loses more visibility. When the roar of the helicopter sounds close, all… Continue reading Michael Tamosauskas builds a ‘golden’ resume in the geological field

Dan Carrocci uses drilling knowledge, geological skills and entrepreneurial spirit to make Determination Drilling a success

With a business plan and a diploma in hand, Dan Carrocci was only 21 years old when he walked into a bank to request a loan. The Fleming College graduate needed the money to purchase a geotechnical drilling rig to start his own drilling business, Determination Drilling. “I saw a demand for it,” said Dan,… Continue reading Dan Carrocci uses drilling knowledge, geological skills and entrepreneurial spirit to make Determination Drilling a success

Earth Resources Technician Co-op is a gem for Fleming graduate Crystal Smith

Crystal Smith was stuck between a rock and a hard place when considering her post-secondary options for geology. As a kinesthetic learner, the applied approach of college appealed to Crystal; but industry professionals recommended a university degree. Luckily for Crystal, Fleming College’s Earth Resources Technician Co-op program offers the best of both worlds through Education… Continue reading Earth Resources Technician Co-op is a gem for Fleming graduate Crystal Smith

Earth Resources Technician student gets golden opportunity at Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop

Garrett Hooey, second-year Earth Resources Technician student, has earned himself a spot in the hotly contested Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW). The workshop, which is hosted by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada, is an all-expense paid trip to Sudbury to learn about careers in the mineral exploration and mining industries. Twenty-six of the… Continue reading Earth Resources Technician student gets golden opportunity at Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop
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