CICE students complete RentSmart Certificate

Congratulations to Fleming Community Integration Through Cooperative Education (CICE) students who completed their RentSmart certificate! This certificate can be used by CICE students for rental applications when they’re ready to rent independently.
RentSmart features six modules covering topics such as: applying for housing, rights, responsibilities and expectations, managing finances and communicating effectively. The program aims to teach students how to be great tenants and is facilitated by Fleming Off-Campus Housing Coordinator Karen Hennessey with CICE faculty, and guest speakers from the community and local agencies. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, RentSmart was adapted to online learning modules to provide students with the opportunity to complete the certificate online.
CICE faculty member Julie Wilson helped provide student support with this change in program delivery and feels fortunate this certificate could be offered online. “RentSmart is a perfect addition to the CICE program (Essential Skills course) for our second-year students,” said Julie. “Students find the program informative, and is an opportunity to learn about their rights and responsibilities as tenants. The program builds confidence, knowledge and skills so people can make informed choices around rental housing.”
CICE student Dalton K. agrees. “I really enjoyed the RentSmart program and how it taught me about tenant rights and responsibilities, as well as the rights and responsibilities of a landlord,” said Dalton. “I like how this program talked about advocating for myself, as my teacher Julie is always teaching us to advocate at school and at work.”
About the CICE program: The Community Integration through Cooperative Education (CICE) program is a two-year program designed to provide individuals with exceptionalities and other significant learning challenges opportunity to experience college life and enhance their academic and vocational skills with modified programming and support from Integration Facilitators. Learn more here.