Paramedic students will brave the cold for Polar Bear Plunge

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Category: Life at Fleming

Paramedic students will brave the cold for Polar Bear Plunge

Snow, ice and chilly weather may deter you from taking a dip in the Trent River this winter, but for a group of Paramedic students, it is an invitation to challenge themselves. Demi Asselin, Brady Wills, Christian Bell and Kaitlin Glab are braving the cold this Saturday at Campbellford Lions Club Park for a good… Continue reading Paramedic students will brave the cold for Polar Bear Plunge

Tourism – Global Travel graduate cannot wait to hit the road as a Fleming Grad Recruiter

It is obvious what Tourism – Global Travel graduate Vivienne Maxwell is looking forward to most as a Fleming College Grad Recruiter: getting to travel across Ontario! “I love to travel and I am looking forward to seeing the scenery in my own province for my next adventure,” said Vivienne, who will be speaking with… Continue reading Tourism – Global Travel graduate cannot wait to hit the road as a Fleming Grad Recruiter

Alaura Jopling wants to inspire a new post-secondary beginning for high school students

Alaura Jopling’s post-secondary journey did not start with Fleming College, which is why she decided to become a Grad Recruiter with Student Recruitment. “I want to educate and inspire the young students who are starting to apply to post-secondary because, had I known then what I know now, my journey would have a completely different… Continue reading Alaura Jopling wants to inspire a new post-secondary beginning for high school students

Forestry Technician graduate Eric Butson will represent Frost Campus as a Grad Recruiter

Forestry Technician graduate Eric Butson is looking forward to representing Frost Campus when he travels across Ontario this fall. Eric is a Grad Recruiter for Student Recruitment and will be sharing information about Fleming College with prospective students. “What I’m looking forward to most as a Grad Recruiter is the opportunity to help secondary school… Continue reading Forestry Technician graduate Eric Butson will represent Frost Campus as a Grad Recruiter

Graduation gowns and medicine wheels; why many Fleming College graduates wore a medicine wheel pin at convocation

Every year at convocation, a representative from Indigenous Student Services will stand before graduates to acknowledge that Fleming College is situated on Michi Saagiig lands and the traditional territory covered by the Williams Treaty and Treaty Number 20, and thank the Michi Saagiig peoples for allowing us to work in their territory. But at this… Continue reading Graduation gowns and medicine wheels; why many Fleming College graduates wore a medicine wheel pin at convocation

Ontario Envirothon: Creating Environmental Leaders of Tomorrow

By: Laura Copeland The Ontario Envirothon, held each spring, provides a unique opportunity for high school students to engage with the natural world, to learn how resources are managed, and to learn about the various careers and education pathways within the field. “Regardless of the career path students choose after Envirothon, they will have a… Continue reading Ontario Envirothon: Creating Environmental Leaders of Tomorrow

Riding the wave of experiential learning

By: Laura Copeland The surf’s up for 15 Fleming College students who are working on a multi-faceted project to help a west coast surfboard company expand overseas. Swell Composites Supply Ltd., based in Richmond, B.C., is sponsoring three applied projects for business students. Applied projects, available within certain programs in the School of Business and… Continue reading Riding the wave of experiential learning

Fleming Innovation Conference

Fleming College’s Organizational Development Team welcomed faculty, staff and community partners to the Kawartha Trades & Technology Centre on Wednesday, March 7 and Thursday, March 8 for the first ever Innovation Conference. Participants also included guests from Trillium Lakelands District School Board and Georgian College. More than 100 participants attended to learn how to develop… Continue reading Fleming Innovation Conference

Make a difference through Community and Justice Services

Community and Justice Services is one of six programs Law and Justice students may enter after Common First Semester, but while the other five programs – Customs Border Services, Law Clerk, Paralegal, Police Foundations, and Protection, Security and Investigation – bring a certain uniform or job duty to mind, Community and Justice Services (CJS) may… Continue reading Make a difference through Community and Justice Services

SSW student Rebekah Rego raises awareness through Strengthening Indigenous Allies Club

Rebekah Rego, co-president of the Strengthening Indigenous Allies Club, is currently busy hanging red dresses around Sutherland Campus. From March 19 to 23, red dresses will be on display to raise awareness of missing and murdered Indigenous women, encouraging the Fleming community to remember the women lost. “If they don’t know about it, I hope… Continue reading SSW student Rebekah Rego raises awareness through Strengthening Indigenous Allies Club
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