Learning Design & Support Team provides virtual support to Fleming faculty

Fleming College faculty and staff are showing their incredible commitment, creativity and resilience by adapting many academic programs to an online and alternate delivery format, ensuring Fleming students can achieve their learning outcomes. And behind-the-scenes, Fleming’s Learning Design & Support Team has been there along the way to provide support and guidance to faculty.
“The team has worked so hard and provided such amazing support and creativity for the academic division’s move to alternative delivery,” said Molly Westland, Director of Academic Quality, Planning and Operations.
This includes ongoing support for faculty with creating and revising courses, integrating learning technology, and administering and supporting D2L. To engage with faculty and provide helpful content, the Learning Design & Support Team distributes a weekly communication piece called “The Teaching Hub”, which is now available in podcast format for the Fleming community to enjoy.
To help prepare for Spring and Fall semesters, the Learning Design & Support Team hosted a Virtual Teaching & Learning Week from April 29 to May 6. The event featured 21 sessions with topics ranging from technology (such as D2L and Webex), to redesigning instruction and assessments for remote delivery, to teaching and learning during a pandemic, and student experiences with remote delivery. There was also a panel discussion about how Fleming Student Experience supported students with services like Counselling, Accessible Education Services, Tutoring & Academic Skills, Library services, Learning Strategies and more.
“Over 200 faculty, staff and administrators attended the live sessions, and the sharing among participants as well as panellists was awesome; we were all able to learn from each other in an online environment,” said Teaching & Learning Specialist Mary Overholt, adding that the session recordings are available on the LDS Team website.
“We’ve received really positive feedback on the week,” she said. “My favourite comment from our anonymous feedback survey so far is ‘LDS is a team of superheroes!’”