Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, workplaces must prepare and review a written Occupational Health and Safety policy at least once a year, and maintain a program to implement that policy. This certificate will help you fulfil this legal requirement.
Learn how to monitor and assess workplace hazards as they relate to the safety of the workplace environment and the people in it. This program also covers the management skills required to support and lead workplace safety programs.
This program is designed for anyone with responsibility for Health and Safety (e.g. Supervisors, Safety Coordinators, Joint Health and Safety Committees, etc.) that require broader legal and technical knowledge to function effectively in their occupation.
You can choose to take individual courses, if you do not wish to pursue an Occupational Health and Safety certificate.
Details and registration below
Explore technical, legislative, political, and personal issues surrounding workplace health and safety as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and the Workplace Health and Safety. We will examine WHMIS, transportation of dangerous goods, accident prevention and investigation, physical and biological agents, and the management of Occupational Health and Safety programs.
This course covers the various jurisdictions: how to locate the specific legislation: the interface between the statutes, regulations, codes, and standards: the obligations of employers and of employees: the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and Regulations, filing claims, entitlement decision making, benefits, appeals, and re-employment.
This course examines emerging trends and current management issues, concepts and practices pertaining to the field of Occupational Health and Safety. Discussion will focus on several functional characteristics within organizations that pose unique challenges for the practitioner attempting to effectively manage resources, both material and human.
This course covers the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of chemical, physical and biological hazards arising in or from the workplace. WHMIS and other relevant legislation will also be covered. (AL-SAF5402)
As part of your Occupational Health & Safety training, learn to identify of safety hazards which may be a source of injury to workers. Elimination of safety hazards will be discussed.
Gain specific knowledge related to fire and life safety. Topics include the chemistry and physics of fire, building design for life safety, and other aspects of fire and life safety. Applicable legislation related to fire and life safety is also required.
An overview of ergonomic principles will highlight basic worksite investigation and familiarization with basic principles relating to anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, manual material handling, cumulative trauma disorders and office ergonomics.
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