Mental Health And Addiction Worker

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Mental Health And Addiction Worker

The Mental Health and Addiction program has been designed to ensure graduates are skilled in both mental health and addictions according to the latest industry standards. 

Program Information

Start Date

May 05, 2025

Domestic Availability


International Availability


CIP Code


Program Code



Hybrid, Placement


Ontario College Diploma

Program Contact

Jenny Andrus

Program Coordinator

Domestic Tuition

$2127.6 per semester*

International Tuition

$8567.33 per semester*

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Canadian Students

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September 02, 2025

Domestic Availability

Accepting Applications

International Availability

Accepting Applications

CIP Code


Program Code



Hybrid, Placement


Ontario College Diploma

Program Contact

Jenny Andrus

Program Coordinator

Domestic Tuition

$2499.6 per semester*

International Tuition

$8567.33 per semester*

*Domestic tuition amounts shown are from the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change.

*International tuition amounts shown are from the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change.

View Curriculum

January 05, 2026

Domestic Availability

Accepting Applications

International Availability


CIP Code


Program Code



Hybrid, Placement


Ontario College Diploma

Program Contact

Jenny Andrus

Program Coordinator

Domestic Tuition

$2499.6 per semester*

International Tuition

$8567.33 per semester*

*Domestic tuition amounts shown are from the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change.

*International tuition amounts shown are from the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change.

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Canadian Students

View Curriculum

May 04, 2026

Domestic Availability

Accepting Applications

International Availability


CIP Code


Program Code



Hybrid, Placement


Ontario College Diploma

Program Contact

Jenny Andrus

Program Coordinator

Domestic Tuition

$2499.6 per semester*

International Tuition

$8567.33 per semester*

*Domestic tuition amounts shown are from the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change.

*International tuition amounts shown are from the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change.

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Canadian Students

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Fleming College's Mental Health and Addiction program is aligned to the most recent competencies established for the field of addictions and mental health. In 2014, Competencies for Canada's Substance Abuse Workforce were introduced to establish the different levels of competencies required to work in the field of addictions (CCSA, 2014). In 2015, the Mental Health Commission of Canada introduced Guidelines for Recovery-Oriented Practice to guide competencies required to work in the field of mental health (MHCC, 2015).

During the first semester of your educational journey, you will be introduced to the field with courses in Human Service, Power Privilege and Oppression, Counselling Interventions I, and Mental Health and Recovery. You will also learn about Indigenous Studies.

In your second semester you will build on the knowledge gained in first semester to learn much more about substance use and mental health. Courses focus on the Understanding Substance Use, Screening and Assessment, Case Management and Service Coordination, Prevention and Health Promotion, Counselling Interventions II and Ethics and Professional Practice.

Third semester helps you explore Trauma Specific Treatment Interventions, Family and Social Support, Understanding Concurrent Disorders, Building Capacity in Communities, Counselling Interventions III and Professional Practice.

The fourth and final semester integrates what you have learned in the classroom over the previous three semesters during a professional field placement experience. Field placement learning can take place anywhere in the province, or across Canada. Students will also complete and online Psychopharmacology course while on field placement.

* Students starting in January are required to attend classes over the summer semester.

Graduates of the Mental Health and Addiction program will:

  • Gain the skills to work in a variety of settings supporting clients, families, groups and communities affected by substance use and mental health issues.
  • Acquire the ability to critically analyze multiple and intersecting causes and impacts of substance use and mental health issues. This multidimensional approach integrates Anti-Oppressive Practice (AOP), and Indigenous approaches to working in the field of mental health and addiction.
  • Understand how to apply evidence - based knowledge and skills in screening, assessment, treatment planning and interventions that promote equitable access to supports and services.
  • Learn the application of harm reduction strategies, trauma informed interventions, case management, health promotion, and prevention.
  • Have the opportunity to gain direct field practice working within an interdisciplinary team providing support throughout the substance use and mental health system.

My experience during this program was fantastic. It was worth every minute. My goal of making a career change into this field worked like a dream for me. When I graduated, I was prepared, because of what I learned at Fleming College. If I had a choice of any job, this is the one I would choose.

Rick Mayoh, Trauma and Addictions Counsellor

Fleming's Mental Health and Addiction program offers a unique applied learning experience which enables graduates to work in various areas within the field of mental health and addictions. Students can choose to build on their program of study in Mental Health and Addictions by completing the Social Service Worker dual diploma, or pursue a degree with advanced standing at a university through one of our many transfer agreements.

The program's flexible delivery structure features entry points in the fall, winter, and spring with all four intakes running every semester. This meets the needs of diverse student groups including:

  • Students who require or wish a reduced course load
  • Students who want to complete the program faster can attend four continuous semesters and graduate in sixteen months.
  • Winter intake, first semester students take second semester in the spring, third semester in the fall, and fourth semester in the winter. Spring first semester intake takes semester two in the fall, the third semester in the winter, and the fourth semester in the spring. Students starting in September complete the second semester in the Winter, the third semester in the Fall, and the forth semester in the Winter and take the summer semester off.
  • Individuals receiving funding that is dependent on attending classes continuously without semester breaks would start in the Winter or Spring semesters.

Students now have the opportunity to complete two college diplomas - Mental Health and Addiction and Social Service Worker - within a two-year period. This pathway includes two field placement opportunities where students acquire additional hands-on experience to further prepare them for career success. Students have the option of entering into either program, and after completing their first semester can declare their intention to complete either one diploma in Social Service Work, one diploma in Mental Health and Addiction, or both diplomas.

The dual diploma pathway is available to students who enter in the fall or winter semester only. Students must attend school for six consecutive semesters to complete both diplomas. Students ​who start ​in the Mental Health and Addiction ​Worker ​program in first semester will complete their Social Service Worker field placement first in fifth semester and complete their Mental ​Health and Addictions ​Worker field placement in the sixth semester.

Mental Health and Addiction Worker - Social Service Worker Dual Diploma

There is a high demand for mental health and addictions professionals. Roles include case manager, mental health clinician, addiction counsellor, or relief staff in residential facilities or community withdrawal management services, health promotion and outreach services.

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Textbook Cost $500.00 $700.00 $225.00
Kit Cost
Field Placement expenses Travel and or parking costs - varies depending on placement location
Uniforms/program shirts
Professional Exam Cost
NARS Cost Police Check, TB test Police Check $50
Portfolio Builders NVCI $155.12; ASIST $232.67

Your program has mandatory requirements which may include a criminal reference check, first aid, CPR-C, etc. For more information, please see the Non Academic Requirements page.

The Indigenous Perspectives Designation (IPD) is an option available to students in this program. To qualify for an IPD, you must take and successfully complete a series of required Indigenous Studies courses as well as participate in a minimum of four approved co-curricular Indigenous events or experiences. Your transcript will indicate the IPD upon graduation, a designation that provides you with a comprehensive understanding of Indigenous cultures, histories, traditions, and contributions to our shared society within the context of your program of study. The IPD provides a valuable skill set sought after in today's employment sector.

  • Apply an anti-oppressive framework when providing respectful, equitable, and effective services to individuals, families, groups, and communities related to substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health concerns.
  • Apply recovery-oriented practices, with consideration of bio-psycho-social-cultural-spiritual factors that contribute to, or protect against, substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health concerns.
  • Create an integrated treatment plan for individuals experiencing concurrent disorders based on screening and assessment finding; providing activities and resources that reflect the client's strengths, needs, and goals.
  • Use collaborative care planning and advocacy skills at micro, macro, and mezzo levels to work collaboratively between service providers and the broader sector for effective system navigation.
  • Select, administer, and interpret the results of evidence-informed tools and methods that inform the care and treatment plan for clients with substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health concerns.
  • Design and implement outreach and prevention programming and/or services for individuals, families, social supports, groups, and communities impacted by substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health concerns.
  • Use community development and health promotion practices to strengthen community capacity and support collective action related to substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health concerns.
  • Use a variety of evidence-informed counselling approaches, modalities, intervention techniques, and relevant methodologies to develop collaborative treatment plans aimed at improving overall well-being of people experiencing substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health concerns.
  • Integrate group work and group facilitation skills across a wide range of community service settings, supporting growth and development of individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use, behavioural addictions, and mental health concerns.
  • Apply knowledge of psychoactive substances, including psychotherapeutic medication, to understand their effects and side effects in the treatment of individuals with mental health, substance use, and concurrent disorders.
  • Conduct interventions in a manner that emphasizes safety and self-determination for individuals and families impacted by trauma.
  • Conduct oneself in a professional and ethical manner when practicing as a Mental Health and addiction worker to safeguard both self and others.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to competent practice through continuous professional development and application of self-care practices.

Students applying to Mental Health And Addiction Worker must meet the following requirements:

  • OSSD including Gr 12 C English

PC / Windows

  • Operating System:
    Windows 10
  • Processor:
    Core i5 - 1.6Ghz minimum
  • Memory:
    8GB minimum
  • Hard Disk:
    160GB minimum

Apple / MacOS

  • Operating System:
    MacOS 10.12 or newer
  • Processor:
    Core i5 6th Gen or better
  • Memory:
    8GB minimum
  • Hard Disk:
    160GB minimum

Internet Connection: 2.5 Mbps Download and 3.0 Mbps Upload (minimum)

Students are required to have their own computer, internet access, webcam and microphone.

Transfer Agreements

You may be able to use credits obtained at Fleming College to continue your postsecondary education in pursuit of a degree. The articulation and credit transfer agreements with our partner institutions are summarized here.

Bachelor of Arts in Child and Family Studies
  • Minimum 70% cumulative program average.
Transfer Credit
  • 45 out of a 120-credit degree.
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Nipissing University website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
  • Minimum 70% cumulative program average.
Transfer Credit
  • 45 out of a 120-credit degree.
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Nipissing University website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies and Digital Technology
  • Minimum mid-70% cumulative program average.
Transfer Credit
  • 60 out of a 120-credit degree.
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Ontario Tech University website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
  • Minimum mid-70% cumulative program average.
Transfer Credit
  • 60 out of a 120-credit degree.
  • Refer to Ontario Tech's website for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Ontario Tech University website for further articulation and program information.

Bachelor of Commerce
  • Minimum mid-70% cumulative program average.
  • Completion of the Ontario Tech Commerce Bridge.
Transfer Credit
  • 45 out of a 120-credit degree.
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Ontario Tech University website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Minimum 65% cumulative program average.
Transfer Credit
  • Entry into 5th semester standing in an 8-semester program.
  • Refer to Seneca College's website for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Colleges website.

For more information

Visit the Seneca College website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

See the official articulation agreement.

Bachelor of Social and Community Development
  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative program Grade Point Average (GPA).
  • The program is offered in a hybrid model or online.
Transfer Credit
  • Degree completion: 4 semesters and an internship.
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Colleges website.

For more information

Visit the Sheridan College website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

Bachelor of Arts in Policing and Community Well-being
  • Minimum 75% cumulative program average.
Transfer Credit
  • 5.0 out of a 20-credit degree.
  • 5.5 out of a 20-credit degree with completion of the Indigenous Perspectives Designation (IPD).
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Trent University website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

See the official articulation agreement.

Bachelor of Social Work
  • Minimum 75% cumulative program average.
  • Admission into the generalist years (1st and 2nd year) of the Bachelor of Social Work program.
  • Admission into the professional years (3rd and 4th year) of the Bachelor of Social Work program includes an additional application process, and admission is very competitive. Please refer to Trent University's School of Social Work for further details.
Transfer Credit
  • 5.0 out of a 20-credit degree.
  • 5.5 out of a 20-credit degree with completion of the Indigenous Perspectives Designation (IPD).
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Trent University website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

See the official articulation agreement.

Bachelor of Social Work (SSW & MHAW Dual Diploma Option)
  • Minimum 75% cumulative program average in both the Mental Health and Addiction Worker program AND the Social Services Worker program.
  • Admission into the generalist years (1st and 2nd year) of the Bachelor of Social Work program.
  • Admission into the professional years (3rd and 4th year) of the Bachelor of Social Work program includes an additional application process, and admission is competitive. Please refer to Trent University's School of Social Work for further details.
Transfer Credit
  • 8.0 out of a 20-credit degree.
  • 8.5 out of a 20-credit degree with completion of the Indigenous Perspectives Designation (IPD).
  • Refer to for further details.

To apply please see the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) website.

For more information

Visit the Trent University website for further articulation and program information.

Visit the website for agreement information.

See the official articulation agreement.

Program Code: DSW

CIP: 19.0710

Ontario College Diploma

Sutherland Campus

September 2025, January 2026

Program Code: SW

CIP: 44.0000

Ontario College Diploma

Sutherland Campus

May 2025, September 2025, January 2026, May 2026

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