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Fleming News

Urgently Needed Course Trains Home Inspectors to Help Homeowners Reduce Basement Flood Risk

Peterborough ON (September 12, 2018) — A ground breaking course offered this fall at Seneca’s Newnham Campus in Toronto provides practical training to home inspectors and other industry specialists to help homeowners address the growing threat of basement flooding. The course has been developed as a collaborative effort between Fleming College, Seneca and the Intact… Continue reading Urgently Needed Course Trains Home Inspectors to Help Homeowners Reduce Basement Flood Risk

Fleming College unveils first permanent rainbow crosswalk at Sutherland Campus

Peterborough ON – (September 7, 2018) – A rainbow of colour was added to Fleming College’s Sutherland Campus this week. Fleming’s main crosswalk was painted with the colours of the rainbow in time for the start of the 2018 fall semester. “This crosswalk means so much more than just colours, it is a symbol to… Continue reading Fleming College unveils first permanent rainbow crosswalk at Sutherland Campus

Fleming College Opens Residence at Severn Court

Peterborough ON – (September 6, 2018) – Fleming College is pleased to announce a new partnership with Campus Living Centres, a private residence operator in Peterborough, Ontario, that will provide more residence space for first-year students attending Fleming. “The opportunity to work with Campus Living Centres to provide off-campus housing for our students is a… Continue reading Fleming College Opens Residence at Severn Court

Community urged to step up and speak out at Take Back the Night event

Press Release by Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre Peterborough ON – The Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre, Fleming College and partner organizations are encouraging community members to step up, speak out and take a stand against sexual violence. This candlelight vigil and walk, which will take place in Peterborough, Lindsay, Cobourg and Haliburton, welcomes survivors of sexual… Continue reading Community urged to step up and speak out at Take Back the Night event

Fleming College to host Leadership in Sport, first athletics and fitness conference to close Orientation Week 2018

Peterborough ON – (August 29, 2018) – Fleming College is pleased to host the first athletics and fitness conference, Leadership in Sport, as the closing event for the Fleming Knights Orientation week on September 8, 2018. The all-day conference is open to Fleming students, staff and the public, and will include interactive demonstrations, guest speakers… Continue reading Fleming College to host Leadership in Sport, first athletics and fitness conference to close Orientation Week 2018

Fleming College recognized among the best in North America for sustainability efforts

Peterborough ON – (August 28, 2018) – Fleming College has been recognized as a top performer in the 2018 Sustainable Campus Index, among other North American college institutions in recognition of its sustainable achievements from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). AASHE has recognized Fleming as fourth overall in the… Continue reading Fleming College recognized among the best in North America for sustainability efforts

Haliburton School of Art and Design Annual Faculty Art Auction raises over $20,000 for student bursaries

Haliburton ON – (August 13, 2018) – The Haliburton School of Art and Design is pleased to announce that the annual Faculty Art Auction raised $20,411 for student bursaries. The bursaries will be directed to art and design students at the Haliburton campus. The Faculty Art Auction took place on Thursday, August 9 at the… Continue reading Haliburton School of Art and Design Annual Faculty Art Auction raises over $20,000 for student bursaries

Peter Stumpf to speak at this year’s Fleming Innovation Quest

Peterborough ON – (August 8, 2018) – Student innovation and hands-on learning will be on display at Fleming Innovation Quest on Thursday, August 9. Fleming College’s Technology and Business students will demonstrate experiential learning in action with projects that showcase problem solving, research and solution delivery. “We are excited to showcase these projects our graduates… Continue reading Peter Stumpf to speak at this year’s Fleming Innovation Quest

Fleming College’s CAWT to receive over $990,000 for water research centre expansion

Lindsay, ON (July 25, 2018) – Fleming College’s Centre for Advancement of Water and Wastewater Technologies (CAWT) will receive $994,318 in funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) College-Industry Innovation Fund (CIIF) to expand the CAWT’s applied research infrastructure and equipment.

Fleming College to receive provincial funding for experiential learning opportunities

Peterborough ON – (July 24, 2018) – Fleming College will receive new funding to further its extensive programming in experiential learning from the provincial government’s Career Ready Fund. As part of the provincial government’s Career Kick-Start Strategy, the Career Ready Fund helps publicly assisted colleges and universities, employers and other organizations create experiential learning opportunities… Continue reading Fleming College to receive provincial funding for experiential learning opportunities