Fleming College hosting OACYC Provincial Conference in Spring 2019

Peterborough ON – (October 3, 2018) – The Child and Youth Care (CYC) program at Fleming College is proud to announce it will host the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care (OACYC) Provincial Conference from June 12-14, 2019 at Sutherland Campus in Peterborough, Ontario.
This unique gathering, located on the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiigi in Nogojiwanong, Peterborough, will pull away from the typical lecture format to provide participants with opportunities for experiential learning. This year’s conference, Weaving Perspectives: Challenging ourselves and others through storytelling and narratives, will focus on bringing together non-Indigenous practitioners and Indigenous Knowledge Holders in meaningful collaboration to offer Child and Youth Care professionals an opportunity to explore ways to enhance relational care practice, methods and models. Keynote speakers, panel presentations and interactive workshops will encourage attendees to continue to work toward excellence, and provide an opportunity for individuals and organizations to showcase innovative research, activities and programs through exhibits and vendor opportunities.
Weaving Perspectives is expected to draw over 200 participants from across Ontario and surrounding provinces.
The conference will feature speakers who are not only real-life champions in Child and Youth Care Practice but who also inspire and advocate effectively. All sessions will be geared towards Child and Youth Care competencies. Presentations will provide insight on the strategies and approaches that promote relational care, strength-based approaches and inclusive programs that can be used in a variety of settings.
Sponsorship opportunities are available and demonstrate a commitment to the development of a profession serving the young persons and families within our province. For event and sponsorship information, visit http://www.oacyc.org/2019-oacyc-provincial-conference or email office@oacyc.org.
Fleming College is an accessible campus and the OACYC is committed to giving persons with disabilities the same opportunities, and will make every effort to provide accommodations. The Fleming CYC program standards exceed Ministry of Ontario requirements, providing an extensive and high level of training in preparation for employment. For more information about the Child and Youth Care Program at Fleming College, visit: www.facebook.com/FlemingCYC or https://flemingcollege.ca/programs/child-and-youth-care.
About Fleming College
Located in the heart of Central Ontario, Fleming College has campus locations in Peterborough, Lindsay, Cobourg and Haliburton. Named for famous Canadian inventor and engineer Sir Sandford Fleming, the college features more than 100 full-time programs in Arts and Heritage, Business, Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, General Arts and Sciences, Health and Wellness, Justice and Community Development, Skilled Trades and Technology, and Continuing Education. Fleming College has more than 5,900 full-time and 10,000 part-time students, and 71,000 alumni.
For more information, please contact:
Sara O’Halloran
Communications Officer
705.749.5530 x 1366
Image Description: Outdoor photo taken on the lake at sunset. Water reflects the trees and colours of the sunset.