When making a Will your thoughts will no doubt first turn to your loved ones. But we hope you will also think about your community and your alma mater. There really is no better way of continuing your lifetime achievements then having them lived on through students at Fleming College.
As a former Fleming College Governor and Foundation board member, I am very aware of the difficulties that students, in particular mature students, face on a daily basis to pursue their educational goals. That is why my wife Nancy and I are committed to supporting Fleming College through the legacy gift as part of our will. Our gift will go to support students as they upgrade their skills either through the new Kawartha Trades and Technology Centre or other programs that will lead them to the rewarding careers.
Bob Phillips, Retired Pharmacist and Fleming College Volunteer
Remember or honour someone and receive the satisfaction that their legacy will contribute to the work of the college. An endowment fund draws on the interest of your initial investment, ensuring your gift is there is perpetuity to assist students for generations to come.
Plan for your future with a RRSP/RRIF and plan for the future of the college but naming Fleming College as the beneficiary.
As you plan your estate, you may want to continue your tradition of caring by leaving a legacy to Fleming College.
You can leave a specific dollar amount, a specific percentage, a specific asset or non-monetary gift, or you may choose to allocate a portion of the residue of your estate after you have considered your other priorities. Bequests are one of the simplest legacy gifts to arrange; potentially offering a significant reduction on the amount of income tax paid by your estate without affecting your other estate instructions.
A bequest is a current gift that is taken from future dollars but can still leave a legacy for both your family and Fleming College.
A gift of life insurance provides a way for you to make a gift to Fleming College for a comparatively small initial investment while providing substantial tax benefits.
A life insurance gift:
A charitable remainder trust is a way to make a secure future gift to Fleming College while retaining the investment income from the gift during your lifetime. If you have decided you would like to give an asset to support the college but currently require the income which the asset generates, a charitable remainder trust has many benefits.
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