Introducing Fleming’s Personal Wellness Supports Hub

Fleming College is ready to support students on their academic journey amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes offering the new Personal Wellness Supports Hub!
Due to physical distancing practices, Fleming’s Spring semester is being offered online and through alternate delivery format to ensure the health and safety of our communities. To help students feel cared for and connected with Fleming’s virtual campus, Student Experience has launched the Personal Wellness Supports Hub online.
The new Personal Wellness Supports Hub is organized by Fleming Counselling and Accessible Education Services and has a variety of resources, modules and apps to help promote personal and mental wellness in one easy-to-find location. This includes access to counselling, health and wellness resources; apps and tips on how to stay healthy, stay active and have fun; meditation and yoga classes; information on how to reach out if you need to talk, and more.
The Personal Wellness Supports Hub is featured prominently throughout the Fleming College website, as a “How Are You?” button directing to the Hub is now part of the website’s main navigation. We encourage you to take time to browse the new Personal Wellness Supports Hub here.

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge, but we are facing it together as a united College community and we will get through this together.