Fleming College

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Frequently Asked Questions at Fleming College


Do you have questions about your timetable, myCampus, OSAP and more? Elizabeth Mather, Student Ambassador, is here to help! Below, Elizabeth answers frequently asked questions sent to us.

How do I register for classes and get my timetable?

Timetables will be available starting the week of December 12th, 2022 (timetables for some programs will be available later in the week, so please be patient as we release them). To view your timetable, you will need to access myCampus. After you login to myCampus, you will use the “My Student Centre” link from the menu on the left side of your screen. 

Is Fleming College’s myCampus web portal important?

It’s a really good idea to get logged into myCampus as soon as possible and explore all of the tools available to you inside this portal. The myCampus portal links to other important services such as “My Mail” for your student email, “My Courses (D2L)” for access to course resources, and “My Files(H:)” for accessing your files stored on the Fleming network. All of your most important student information is stored within “My Student Centre”; this is where you will go to find your full timetable, financial information (such as balance due), final grades, contact information, etc.

What if I can’t see my timetable?

Timetables will be available for full-time students who have paid fees or have been approved through other financial arrangements, such as OSAP. New students with outstanding admissions requirements and returning students with academic holds will not see their timetables. Timetables will be available starting the week of December 12th 2022, but it may take a few days for your timetable to be loaded to your Student Centre. If you have met all the requirements, including paying your full fees or making financial arrangements, and your timetable isn’t available by January 5th 2023, please reach out to us.

New students: please email admissions@flemingcollege.ca

Returning students: please email records@flemingcollege.ca

How do I know my OSAP was approved?

To see whether your OSAP was approved, please log in to your OSAP portal and login or register. Fleming’s Financial Aid office can also assist you by providing you with other financial options.

What if I want to defer my start to May 2023 or September 2023?

To defer your admission to a later start, please take the following steps:

  • Reapply to either May 2023 or September 2023
  • If you applied via OCAS, please go to OCAS to change your application.

More information on Withdrawal can be found here.