I want to introduce myself by speaking to the professional roles I am most passionate about.
I am advocate for children’s rights, a professor, a clinician and Child and Youth Care Practitioner. These are just a few of the hats I wear, intertwined, on a daily basis. I thoroughly enjoy the above roles due to the learning that has come with each. After all, the most important things I know in this world come from the environment around me and those I have had the opportunity to interact most closely with - children, youth, families, colleagues, and communities..
I have been fortunate enough to work in this field for over 20 years and in various provinces across Canada (Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec). Thus, I am able to offer students a national perspective on practice and systems. My specialization is in working alongside youth with both child welfare and criminal justice histories. Outside of my work at the college, I continue to work within residential care. CYC to me is not just a job but part of who I am. I hope to help you discover where your passions lie and how to integrate this into your personhood.
I have a BA in criminology, a BSW, and an MSW (thesis option) with a child and youth care specialization. I am a proud member of the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care. I am a trainer for multiple micro-credentials. I am a proud member of the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care and have been certified through the Child and Youth Care Certification Board. I am also a firm believer in continious learning and therefore participate in as many conferences and working groups as possible.
While I might have lots to share, I also can’t wait to see what you will teach me. Everyone has something to bring to the table and every moment is a teachable one!
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