The Purchasing Department seeks competitive procurement whenever practical and encourages supplier competition. Our purchasing team works with the College end-users regarding the acquisition of goods and services to ensure that we are fair, open and transparent in the marketplace.
The College participates in several buying groups and collaborative initiatives to obtain the best value for the college:
In accordance with the BPS Directive, CETA, and CFTA, Fleming College posts an announcement about all procurement events with a total value equal to or exceeding $100,000.00 on the MERX websites.
Fleming College uses their Bonfire Portal to distribute open public procurement documents and receive responses to solicitations (ITT’s, RFP’s, RFQ’s, RFSQ’s, etc.).
Procurement events (Planned Opportunities, Awarded Contracts, and Non-Competitive Procurements) which meet the thresholds established under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) as well as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union can be found on the Purchasing Department website.
There may be circumstances where competitive procurement can’t be used. A procurement exemption may be permitted provided it meets the criteria in a non-competitive exception or provision of the applicable trade agreement.
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