Our popular and highly rated motorcycle courses have helped hundreds of people over the years become better, safer riders.
All courses are offered at Fleming's Sutherland Campus through the Road Safety Association of Ontario. Please check the overview for your course for important safety and gear information.
Riders must provide their own helmet, wear sturdy boots that cover the ankle, pants (jeans), jacket (leather, nylon or jean) and gloves.
If you have any questions about these courses, please email the course provider Road Safety Association Ontario (RSAO) or call RSAO at 705-775-RIDE (7433) or toll free at 1-833-414-RIDE (7433).
As a result of successfully completing this course in only 19 hours of theory and basic/advanced manoeuvres, you will learn how to mount a motorcycle, start in the Ready position, locate the controls and start the motorcycle. You will also learn controlled braking, proper use of eyes, proper use of clutch, the flat wrist technique, proper riding position, and moving off as well as stopping.
After successfully completing this course in only 19 hours of theory and basic/advanced manoeuvres, you will be eligible for the M2 Licence after completing your test at a DriveTest Centre within 6 months. You may also benefit from reduced insurance rates. Through this course you will understand cold starting, balancing & braking, including emergency braking, road riding including, cornering, collision avoidance, emergency techniques and pattern riding, correct gear changing, signals & shoulder checks, clutch operations, control synchronization.
Our M2 Exit Course is recognized by the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario to issue permanent "M" licences. This means that you do not have to go to the DriveTest Centre for testing. Once you pass the M2 Exit Course, no further testing is required. However, you must go to the DriveTest Centre to update your licence within 6 months.
This course is designed for the experienced street rider who wants to make the most of their riding skills, gain a permanent licence, and learn safety management techniques.
You will learn defensive driving techniques and vehicle control, refresh your low speed skills, practice emergency measures, perform in traffic situations and ride using advanced riding procedures.
If you love the fun and adventure of riding a motorcycle, but want more stability than two wheels can offer, the Can-Am Spyder is your answer to cruising the open road.
Learn to ride this stylish 3-wheeler safely and complete your M2M license test. We will start with instructions, then spend a full day in our dedicated training area learning and practicing safe riding techniques. The Spyders are provided. If you are considering purchasing a Spyder, or if you just want to test it out, this course allows you to learn safe riding techniques while getting your license.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A valid M1 license is required to take this course.
Some courses require additional textbooks and/or materials. Please visit your campus store in-person or online:
Continuing Education & Corporate Training Office
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