Local post-secondary institutions offer housing options for Peterborough Regional Health Centre staff & physicians

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Local post-secondary institutions offer housing options for Peterborough Regional Health Centre staff & physicians


Peterborough, ON  – (July 10, 2020) – Thanks to partnerships with Fleming College and Trent University, healthcare workers at Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) have been provided with opportunities to stay outside of their homes over the last several months during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The strength and support of our community has been evident in so many important ways during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Brenda Weir, Vice President and Chief Nursing Executive at PRHC. “We are so pleased that our post-secondary partners have been able to offer PRHC’s healthcare workers safe, comfortable housing alternatives while they have continued to work hard to provide care and support for our patients.”

The arrangement with Trent drew to a close on June 30, while at Fleming, housing options have been extended for an additional month, with residence rooms provided to healthcare workers at no cost through to the end of July.

“We are proud to serve our community and offer safe housing options to PRHC frontline healthcare professionals who continue to work tirelessly keeping our loved ones healthy and cared for,” said Fleming College President Maureen Adamson. “We must continue to do our part as a valued community asset.”

The partnership with Trent University, the first of its kind in the province, wrapped up at the end of June.

“Trent was very pleased to be able to support frontline staff at PRHC by providing accommodation at this challenging time,” said Dr. Leo Groarke, president and vice-chancellor at Trent University. “We are happy that we were able to maintain the safety of their families or as a place of rest while their children were home during the day. We are proud to support our community as we all continue to navigate our way, together, through the current pandemic.”

Both Fleming and Trent have demonstrated ongoing support for the hospital in other ways throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, including generous donations of certified personal protective equipment (PPE) for use by healthcare workers.

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For more information:

Michelene Ough | Director, Communications, PRHC | mough@prhc.on.ca

Sara O’Halloran | Communications Officer, Fleming College | Sara.OHalloran@flemingcollege.ca

Cara Walsh | Communications & Media Relations Officer, Trent University | carawalsh@trentu.ca