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DND partners with the Geomatics Institute


DND partners with the Geomatics Institute
Vice-president Academic Dr. Rachael Donovan signs an agreement between Fleming’s Geomatics Institute and DND while CWO Dan Libby (seated), Frost Principal Blane Harvey, MWO Mike Browning and Sgt. Dominic Pintal look on. 

Fleming College’s Geomatics Institute will partner with the Department of National Defence’s School of Military Mapping to offer GIS training to members of the Canadian Armed Forces.  Sgt. Dominic Pintal, the first student to take advantage of the agreement, will start in January. Under the agreement, he will begin in the second semester of the three semester GIS – Cartographic Specialist program at Frost Campus. Both GIS Program Coordinator Stewart O’Brien and Frost Campus Principal Blane Harvey said the agreement will be beneficial."We are pleased to be associated with this organization. The Canadian military has had a mapping establishment since 1906," said Mr. O’Brien."A portion of our students are essentially coming straight out of postsecondary institutions (into the GIS program). For them to be able to share in the experience of more mature students is of tremendous benefit. It will add to the flavour and mix of students that we have," said Mr. Harvey. Chief Warrant Officer Daniel G. Libby joked the military has somewhat selfish reasons for the agreement – recruitment. It is hoped that Sgt. Pintal’s classmates may become interested in civilian careers with the Department of National Defence, he said.