Fleming College

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Board of Governors approves new programs


Fleming College’s Board of Governors today approved two new programs to be offered in September 2008.Aircraft Interior FundamentalsA new certificate program in Aircraft Interior Fundamentals will offer practical, hands-on training, within an industrial learning environment provided by Flying Colours Corporation, located at the Peterborough Airport.The curriculum is based on Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council National Standards, and pertains to interior components only. Standard certifications such as Forklift Operator and CPR will be part of the program as well.There is currently a shortage of available aircraft which has led to an increase in the area of aircraft refurbishment. The Aircraft Interior Fundamentals has been developed in collaboration with Flying Colours Corporation a local, internationally-renowned aircraft refurbishing company.Kitchen AssistantThe two-semester Kitchen Assistant certificate program will be offered at the Sutherland Campus through the School of Business and Technology, taking advantage of the college’s renowned cluster of culinary programs. The program will ensure students become job-ready and prepared for work in a variety of food service environments. The program integrates existing courses within the culinary cluster and also provides laddering opportunities for students who wish to further their training in related programming.     – 30 -For more information: Laura Copeland, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or copeland@flemingc.on.ca