Fleming College

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Open House: EOFEA Agenda

Pre-Service Firefighter Education And Training

Fleming has trained students to be successful in firefighting and rescue work for over 15 years. Our program provides a quality academic experience, hands-on training in state-of-the-art facilities, taught by professional firefighting personnel.

Why Choose Fleming

Training Facilities

The Eastern Ontario Emergency Training Academy (EOETA), our primary training facility, is located 40km east of Peterborough in the village of Norwood. EOETA has several established training environments including a burn tower, roof props, door props, search and rescue maze, confined space prop and a new high intensity propane training props. Students are fully-trained in all aspects of firefighting in a real-world environment, live-fire environment, allowing for a proper evaluation of each student, while completing the NFPA hands-on skills practice and evaluations.


Talk with faculty, staff and students about how our programs are delivered and the advantages of our curriculum. Meet our graduates!

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