A curiosity about learning and development leads Sharon Jose to Early Childhood Education

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A curiosity about learning and development leads Sharon Jose to Early Childhood Education

Sharon Jose was teaching at a college in Kerala, India when she realized that each student has their own unique learning style. Wanting to understand how people begin to learn and develop, Sharon started researching online and discovered Early Childhood Education. “Children are like sponges, they grasp everything,” said Sharon. “I wanted to learn more… Continue reading A curiosity about learning and development leads Sharon Jose to Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education students make nature their classroom

Today’s child spends more than seven hours in front of a glowing screen and less than 30 minutes per day in unstructured outdoor play, but Fleming’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) students hope to change that. On Friday, April 21, Dean Carol Kelsey presented a group of ECE students with their Eco-Mentorship Certificate during the Quality… Continue reading Early Childhood Education students make nature their classroom
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