Lori-Anne Crittenden

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Lori-Anne Crittenden

Lori-Anne Crittenden has always been a maker, taking the ordinary and making it special. She believes that using what you have is often enough. In 1988, she took a painting course, Beginners Folk Art & Decorative Painting and remembers that moment of excitement at learning and the magic of acrylic paints. That was the beginning of what's become her life of making. Attention to detail, use of colour and the unique surfaces she paints on, has seen her work collected, gifted and shared across Canada and places around the world. Not limited to painting or acrylics, Lori's curiosity and love of learning has taken her on some great, artful adventures. Sharing her love of painting, crafting and creating is fun and inspiring to all who have been in one of her classes.

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