Orientation activities welcome new students

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Orientation activities welcome new students


Fleming College will welcome its new students to the Sutherland Campus with Flemingpalooza, academic orientation sessions, and special guest speaker Jed Goldberg, President of Earth Day Canada.Students will start moving into residence on Sunday, August 31. Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. that day Fleming’s admissions office, bookstore, and cafeteria will be open for students to obtain identification cards and buy meal plans, books, and parking passes.Flemingpalooza will take place on Monday, September 1 from 5 to 11 p.m. This social orientation event will include a barbecue, live music, pep rally, giveaways and more.Students will wrap up their orientation with academic sessions on Tuesday, September 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students will meet with faculty, classmates and advisors, participate in a Learning Commons information session, and attend a presentation by special guest speaker Jed Goldberg, President of Earth Day Canada. Mr. Goldberg will speak in room 519 at 3:30 p.m.Earth Day Canada has recently partnered with Fleming College to promote the college’s Fleming H2O program, which dissuades students and staff from drinking bottled water because of the negative environmental effects. Reverse osmosis drinking fountains and water stations have been installed at the Sutherland Campus as part of this program. For more information on Orientation activities at all campus locations, please visit www.flemingcollege.com/orientation Located in the heart of Central Ontario, Fleming College has campuses in Peterborough, Lindsay, Cobourg and Haliburton. Named for famous Canadian inventor and engineer Sir Sandford Fleming, the college features more than 90 full-time programs in Business and Technology, Continuing Education and Skilled Trades, Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Fine Arts, Health and Wellness, and Law, Justice and Community Services. Fleming College has more than 5,000 full-time and 10,000 part-time students and 50,000 alumni.     – 30 -For more information: Laura Copeland, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or copeland@flemingc.on.ca