Innovative GIS projects on display at Frost Campus

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Innovative GIS projects on display at Frost Campus


Using topographical characteristics to help identify potential avalanches, and automating the process, is just one way Fleming College students are applying skills learned in the classroom to solve real-world dilemmas.Partnering with industry clients, the students – in the GIS Applications Specialist and GIS Cartographic Specialist programs – work on co-operative projects in their last two semesters. These projects will be displayed at a GIS Open House on Thursday, August 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Frost Campus, 200 Albert St. S. All are welcome to attend.Closer to home, a group of students mapped the City of Kawartha Lakes Trans Canada Trail. After collecting data, the group produced a database, a wall map showing the historical, cultural, and environmental features of the trail, and a web site that hosts an interactive map.As well, another group of students have used new mapping software to create an interactive web site and wall map of the Riverview Park and Zoo in Peterborough. Both the online and wall maps were created to appeal to a younger audience, and attract more families to the zoo.Other projects include:• A Tool for Determining Archaeological Potential in Ontario• Analysis of Shoreline and Waterfowl Breeding Activity• Who’s Your City? An Online Interactive Web Application Tool• Kirkland Lake Gold Belt Geoscience Data AnalysisFrost Campus hosts the renowned GIS – or geographical information systems – programs at Fleming College. Part of the School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, the GIS programs are one-year, post-graduate certificate programs. GIS – Applications Specialist graduates provide technical expertise to produce effective and useful plans and project reports through the applied use of technology. GIS – Cartographic Specialist involves mapmaking that incorporates the best of modern research and technology.     – 30 -For more information: Laura Copeland, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or