GIS programs host Open House

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GIS programs host Open House


 Generating watershed information to support land use planning in Sierra Leone is just one of the GIS student cooperative projects that will be on display at the Frost Campus of Fleming College on Thursday, August 13.The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Open House will feature 13 student projects from both the GIS – Applications Specialist and GIS – Cartographic Specialist programs. The projects partner Fleming students with industry clients, allowing the students to apply skills learned in the classroom to solve real-world dilemmas.Other projects include:• Kawartha Trans Canada Trail Economic and Management Map• Heritage Properties and Conservation District Mapping Project• Kawartha Lakes Flow Map• Web Mapping System for Global Land Degradation Assessment at Regional and Local Scales The GIS Open House will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on August 13 at the Frost Campus, 200 Albert St. S. in Lindsay.Part of the School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, the GIS programs are one-year, post-graduate certificate programs. GIS – Applications Specialist graduates provide technical expertise to produce effective and useful plans and project reports through the applied use of technology. GIS – Cartographic Specialist involves mapmaking that incorporates the best of modern research and technology.     – 30 -For more information:     Laura Copeland, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or