Fleming College

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Ontario must also invest in college infrastructure projects


Ontario is being urged to follow Ottawa’s lead and invest in college infrastructure projects in this year’s provincial budget, Fleming College President Tony Tilly said today."This is a tremendous opportunity for Ontario to create new jobs immediately and to invest in the province’s economic strength over the longer term,” said Dr. Tilly.“Investing in projects such as Fleming’s proposed Kawartha Skilled Trades Institute will stimulate job growth and create new spaces to help colleges deliver quality education and training to Ontario students. In addition, this project has a unique added benefit of learning opportunities for secondary school students."The comments follow Tuesday’s federal budget announcement of investments into college infrastructure. The presidents from Ontario’s 24 colleges met in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday and the capital requirements at colleges was one of the main subjects of discussion.Building repairs are long overdue in many colleges. Major systems such as water, sewer, mechanical, electrical and heating and air-conditioning need renewal.There are also health and safety issues to address, such as facility modifications to improve access for disabled students. And additional capital funding will enable colleges to improve energy conservation and reduce future energy costs.These kinds of renewal projects are in keeping with the province’s plans, announced in 2004, to revitalize public infrastructure projects in priority areas such as schools, hospitals and roads.The need for improvements is growing more urgent. The recession has increased the numbers of students applying to colleges. This year, there was a 10 per cent increase in the number of applicants for programs starting in January, nearly double the 5.1 per cent increase last winter."Many people, including the recently unemployed, recognize that a college education provides excellent job opportunities," Dr. Tilly said. "More than 90 per cent of our graduates find work within six months, which is a very attractive prospect in the current economy."Infrastructure investment at the colleges will mean government is investing in the future labour force as well as in immediate job creation in the short term.”-30-For more information:Laura Copeland, Communications Officer, 705-749-5530 x 1370 or copeland@flemingc.on.ca