Fleming College

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GIS Open House at Frost Campus


All are welcome to attend the Geographic Information Systems Open House at Fleming College’s Frost Campus. The graduates of the GIS-Application Specialist and GIS-Cartographic Specialist programs will be showcasing their cooperative projects on Tuesday, June 25 from 10 a.m. to 2p.m. at the campus, 200 Albert St. S. in Lindsay.

The projects include:
– Movement ecology of the African elephant for the University of KwaZulu-Natal
– Explore downtown Peterborough in 3D for the City of Peterborough
– Data management and mapping from ‘Direct Mitigation of Threats to At-Risk Turtles at a Road Mortality Hotspot’ for – Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre
– Ken Reid Conservation Area trail mapping project
– GIS analytical processes for collisions on provincial highway network for the Ministry of Transportation

To attend, please contact Christine MacCormack or Juliana Pentikainen at cmaccorm@flemingc.on.ca or jpentika@flemingc.on.ca

The event and parking are free of admission.

For more information: Stewart O’Brien, faculty, 705-324-9144 x 3238.