Fleming College Helps Boost Ontario’s Manufacturing Sector

Peterborough, ON (July 18, 2023) – Fleming College has joined a network of post-secondary academic institutions to provide competitive and innovative solutions to Ontario’s manufacturers.
The Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation (SONAMI) works with small and medium-sized businesses, providing access to cutting-edge technology, knowledge, and funding; Through SONAMI’s help, these enterprises can increase sales, reduce manufacturing costs, diversify product lines, and bring innovative ideas and concepts to life.
To date, SONAMI partners have worked with more than 300 enterprises, completing more than 400 projects which resulted in $12.5 million in sales from commercialized innovations. Over 220 jobs have been created and hundreds of students have received training and new skill sets to prepare them for future careers.
Two leading research centres at Fleming College will work with SONAMI-the Centre for Advancement in Mechatronics and Industrial Internet of Things (CAMIIT) and the Centre for Advancement of Water and Wastewater Technologies (CAWT).
The CAMIIT is a multipurpose research centre for industrial research and design projects at Sutherland Campus in Peterborough. The CAWT is an internationally recognized water and wastewater research institute located at Frost Campus in Lindsay.
“Joining SONAMI is an exciting opportunity for our CAMIIT and CAWT research centres,” said Brett Goodwin, PhD, Executive Vice President, Academic and Applied Research & Innovation at Fleming College. “Being chosen to join this esteemed network allows our researchers and students to take part in new collaborative opportunities to support local innovation. Our expertise in design for manufacturing and in innovative water and wastewater technologies will help SONAMI and its SME partners address complex challenges and make a lasting impact on the province’s manufacturing sector.”
In addition to Fleming College, the SONAMI network includes Niagara, Centennial, Conestoga, Fanshawe, George Brown, Lambton, Mohawk, Niagara and Sheridan colleges, and McMaster and Queen’s universities.
Fleming’s SONAMI projects will be funded through a $2-million investment that SONAMI received from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through an Applied Research and Technology Partnership (ARTP) grant.
Businesses interested in working with SONAMI can contact Business Development Lead, Mitchell Lutz at mlutz@niagaracollege.ca, or Fleming College’s Office of Applied Research and Innovation at oari@flemingcollege.ca.