Heavy Equipment Operator students help build wetland

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Heavy Equipment Operator students help build wetland


heo wetlandsHeavy Equipment Operator students are busy completing their part of the wetland project at Frost Campus. Mason HomesĀ and Fleming College have teamed up to create the wetland, which will provide a new home to native plant and animal species as well as provide valuable hands-on learning opportunities for students.

Dean Linda Skilton stopped by to see how the project is coming along. Linda is photographed here with HEO Learning Technologists Steve Bennie (left) and Richard Hyde (right), and the Fleming HEO students who are creating the groundwork for the wetland.

In the fall, Ecosystem Management and Fish and Wildlife students will work on planting and seeding. Students from Forestry and Resources Drilling and Blasting will also be involved in the project. The wetland is expected to be fully established by the end of October.

The project is located near the Heavy Equipment Operator fields, just south of the Kawartha Trans Canada Trail, and includes a north and south pond. Mason Homes is providing funding for the wetland and Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. will conduct environmental monitoring for three years following the completion of the project.