Clelia Scala has been animating the intimate since she can remember. She is a visual artist whose work includes mask and puppet design, installations, collage and illustration. Her explorations into the fantastic and uncanny stem from a lifelong engagement with tales and myths and her interest in the theme of human interaction with the natural world. Clelia has studied puppet design and performance at the Humber Puppetry Intensive with CLUNK and the Puppet mongers, at the New England Puppet Intensive with David Lane, and at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Centre with Alice Gottschalk and Jim Napoletano. As a designer and fabricator for theatre, Clelia has worked with a variety of theatre companies and organizations, such as Carousel Players, the Calliope Collective, Guilty by Association, Lemon Bucket Orkestra, Odyssey Theatre, Suitcase in Point, University of Missouri-St Louis Opera Theatre, Yale University, and Zacadia Circus. Sometimes, she puppeteers. Clelia teaches theatre, mask, puppet, and prop design in the Dan School of Drama and Music at Queen's University. You can read more about her work at