New Champions Named In 24th Annual Tree Climbing Competition

Students in Fleming College’s Arboriculture program battled the heights and the elements during the 24th annual Tree Climbing Competition on April 19, 2022.
This year’s Tree Climbing Champions are students Leo Arseneault and Emma Casey. Both will have the opportunity to compete in the Ontario Tree Climbing Competition taking place this September in London, Ontario.

Grayson Wells-Garrett was recognized with this year’s Dan Vanheyst Spirit of the Competition Award. This award has been named in remembrance of Fleming College Forestry and Arboriculture student Daniel Vanheyst. The Dan Vanheyst Spirit of the Competition Award is given to a student who stands out to faculty and staff during the Tree Climbing Competition and shows support for their fellow students and a passion for the trade.

Fleming College would also like to thank the donors who stepped up to make the 24th annual Tree Climbing Competition a success:
Aramark, Eithic Tree Creations, Bartlett Tree Experts, BC Plant Health Care, City of Guelph, City of Kawartha Lakes, City of Mississauga, Clogger Canada, Coulson Bros., Colonial Tree Service, Davey Tree, Designs by Devries (Peter DeVries), Fenelon Falls Home Hardware, Fleming Arboriculture, Fleming Frost Bookstore, Four Seasons Tree Care, Frost Parking and Security, Haix Canada, Head to Toe Outfitters, LakeSide Tree Service, Lindsay Cycle, Logan Tree Experts, Ontario Line Clearing, TreeScape, Trent Lakes Tree Service, Whites of Lindsay and Wyoming Tree Service.
Fleming would also like to thank the following venders who were on hand during the competition:
Husqvarna Canada, ISA Ontario, Jordan Repairs, Maple Leaf Ropes, Petzl Canada – Ian Neve, Stihl Canada, Universal Field Supplies and Vermeer Canada.